Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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571 lines
Version History
Pre 0.09 - no version tracking.
0.09 : Now tracks which articles have and haven't been read.
Article Generation code written, but not linked to anything.
0.10 : Real Life name now held in messages file, not hardcoded into program.
Dynamic updating of Newsgroups and Article list window when reading
Dynamic updating of Newsgroups window during debatching - bug in
newsbase often causes it to think there is one unread article
when there are in fact none. Re-getting the list of newsgroups
Added menu to newsgroups and article list windows so you don't have
to view an article to start a new email or news item.
Changed article window menu to reflect that "B" is the key to use
for the previous article, not "P".
Now posts news/mail items by directly using the two programs inside
0.11 : All NewsBase dependant windows now close if NewsBase dies.
Now remembers the setting of the radio buttons in the groups window,
delete old NewsRC file before using this version.
Moved Click handling for groups window into separate function.
User Management functions included to:
+ Set Real Life Name.
+ Easy editing of various signature files.
Minor changes to Templates file - all buttons now slab in/out with
a 'selected' colour of orange.
Now saves the NewsRC file when a Message #0 (quit) is received.
Much work on manual window redraw code.
Changed lots of global variables into global structures - much neater.
Moved the busy flag handling out to the Misc.c source file.
Fixed bug with setup window - "follow threads" option used to unselect
if you clicked with adjust on one of the signature selector radio
Bug found in ArcTCPIP with NNTP posting and lines over 80 characters,
hardcoded news items to mail2news@news.demon.co.uk for the time
*Version 0.12 of !TTFN requires NewsBase version 0.16 or 0.17
0.12 : Now tracks read/unread articles for each user independantly.
Now only inserts the signature separator if either a signature
is selected or a tagline is to be added or both.
Article list display window now shows article number for each article.
Debatching into currently open group would cause there to be
no unread articles in that group upon next examination - fixed.
Bug re article number in update messages fixed, now should check
whether an update message should be ignored or not.
Changed template of useredit window to more accurately reflect that
signature files are different for each user.
Bragline, now reads X-Newsreader: for news messages and X-Mailer:
for email messages.
Implememted article marking as read/unread on the article window menu.
After opening a group it now counts the actual number of unread
articles, and corrects the original estimate if it was wrong.
Now uses the correct method for posting article, i.e. uses wimp
messages to newsbase rather than calling the transport programs
*Version 0.13 of !TTFN requires NewsBase version 0.17 or later.
0.13 : Attempting to edit a signature file when an editor wasn't loaded
resulted in editing the last article/mail sent - fixed.
Post/Mail message numbers changed to 300/310, 260 & 270 have been
reallocated for implementing folders.
I was simulating a double click in a completely braindead way,
now implemented properly - thanks Richard.
Implemented dupicate checking when grabbing a list of articles,
makes some of the 'oddities' of newsbase disappear!
Moved the mail2news email address out to the messages file so
non-demon people can point it elsewhere.
Fixed bug in NewsRC file generation code, that caused the last
half of a newsgroup to suddenly become marked as read.
Fixed screwed template for user management window.
Added handlers for Return and Escape keys for all dialogue boxes.
Implemented article deletion in email groups - bug found in NewsBase.
Asking for the next article while viewing the last one now results
in the article display window being closed a la ReadNews 0.24
Article deletion partly implemented - not tested.
0.14 : Partial article deletion fixed, I was sending a number representing
place in list rather than actual article number - DUH!
Changed article list structure to allow 32 flags per article while
a group is open, currently only a few are used.
Now responds properly to NewsBase_Update #3 - Article Deletion.
Added icon slab-in & slab-out function so keypresses now cause
appropriate icons to slab in and then out.
Now responds properly to NewsBase_Update #2 - Article Creation.
Article list window now auto-scrolls on opening to a point where the
the first unread article is visible.
Minor changes to templates (again).
Deleted unwanted windows from templates file.
Added percentage indicator to hourglass while fetching article list.
Major changes to article window menu, nearly all options removed.
Added save box to article window menu and on a keypress (F3).
Added code to save file to either filer or another task.
Implemented article locking/unlocking code. Bug in NewsBase 0.19
and so can't test.
0.15 : Now deletes the <TTFN$Dir>.Temp.Article file once it is no longer
Now doesn't open the files within <TTFN$Dir>.debug upon starting,
doesn't attempt to close them when closing down and global file
pointers removed.
Article window menu now closes properly when saving article out.
Any active menus are now shut when a TTFN_Shutdown call is issued.
Template for save box altered to allow 10 characters for filename.
Numerous other minor changes to templates file.
Now does some checking for CR/NULL termination on the update
messages #2 and #3.
Article selection now implemented within the article list window.
Article list window's menu now radically different!
Added "Catch Up" option, to save having to actually read all articles
within a group to catch up with a group.
Can now:
+ Drag Select articles with both "Select" and "Adjust"
+ Select all articles or just those that are read / unread
+ Mark selected articles as read or unread
Now responds properly to NewsBase_Update #0 - Group creation
window extent changes to cope, but window has to be re-sized
manually to see the group.
0.16 : Tidied up and removed duplication in the article window selection
code - now much more efficient.
Fixed bug whereby double clicking low down on one article would
result in it being highlighted, but the following article displayed.
Newsgroup "junk" now treated as email in that you can delete articles
from it and you are not allowed to post to it.
Broke updating of newsgroups window while reading articles, now fixed.
Threading implemented at a simple level, not much the user can do
in the threads window except read from first, read from first
unread, compose mail/news and catch-up.
Next/Previous articles now skip over any deleted articles.
Removed ROT13 option from article menu - it isn't implemented yet.
0.17 : Pressing 'D', 'Delete' or backspace keys while reading a newsgroup
caused the lock button to constantly slab in & out - Now Fixed.
Changed writable icon in save box to disallow characters that are not
valid in filenames.
Re-ordered the memory allocation bits so that TTFN now runs in about
40% less memory - well I was impressed.
Now won't let you delete the last article in a Email or Folder group,
this avoids one particular bug.
0.18 : Fixed crashes during deleting articles from non-threaded groups.
Article threading by subject is now case insensitive thanks to a
small but efficient assembler routine by Richard Sargeant.
Fixed slight bug with deleting articles, it wasn't updating the
number of unread articles correctly.
Memory re-arrangement in 0.17 caused the user selection menu to
dissappear, it's now back safe & sound!
Now sends username to NewsBase on setting default user or a
change of user.
Changed userhome location so that <UserHome$Dir> now points to
it - allows userhome to be relocated elsewhere
User Management window is now bigger, containing icons for deleting
and creating new users.
Rewrote the NewsBase Command message generation code into more
generic routines.
TCPIP 2.00g Released, therefore Direct NNTP posting is back, intial
testing of TCPIP 2.00g shows that 80 character bug is fixed.
0.19 : Subject comparison for threading now up to 50% faster, which should
speed up threading in large groups (300+ articles).
"Quote Signatures" option now functions as documented.
Fixed setup window template so that the section title icons don't
slab in/out in sympathy with the various option buttons.
Put back Direct NNTP posting to with follow-up's also - omission
in 0.18.
Now creates temporary files within <Wimp$ScrapDir> and not inside
the application directory. TTFN, once configured, can now reside
on a read-only partition.
Spaces no longer valid in either user creation writable icon or the
filename icon of the save-box.
Fixed bug with deleting articles and updating number of unread
articles in the NewsGroups window.
<UserHome$Dir> now resident in !NewsDir.
Implemented Create & Delete user, along with proper responses to
NewsBase_Update types 4 and 5. Userlist menu updated accordingly.
Now checks for blank To: field in new email window and blank
Newsgroups: field in new post window before generating the text.
Small message window defined in Templates.
Article cancellation now implemented. Cancellation only allowed
from Email.<current_user>.outgoing.news or from any newsgroup
as long as the address on the From: line matches that of the
current user. Informs user of cancellation via message window.
Article window now gives indication of lock status of article, also
clicking on padlock icon will toggle the lock status.
Direct NNTP can now be turned on/off by defining/commenting out the
label "data.newsgate" in the !TTFN.Resources.Messages file.
New application icon, poorly designed but now looks a bit more
original than it did.
0.20 : Reduced WimpSlot statement in !Run to 128K, TTFN now seems to
run OK in 192K (praise the Lord for *InitStore).
When changing currently selected user to a user that has no NewsRC
file, TTFN now resets all the radio buttons in the NewsGroups
display to "off".
Create User and Delete User now check for the presence of NewsBase
before sending the appropriate WIMP message.
Padlock & Application sprites redefined in a standard mode (12).
Threading now stores case-converted subject for each thread, speeds
up threading (about 30%) on larger groups at the expense of some
Deleting an *unread* article resulted in the newsgroups window/threads
window not being updated properly, now fixed.
Can now strip headers from article being saved by means of an option
button in the save dialoge box.
Much improved colour selection menu for article display, thanks to
Richard Sargeant for the menu definition file (modified by RWO).
Completely removed my old colour picker window from *everywhere*.
Can now select threads within the thread display window in much the
same way as with the Article list window.
For selected Threads/Articles, can now:
+ Lock selection
+ Unlock selection
+ Clear selection
+ Delete selection (Email/Folders/Junk only) - (newsbase 0.28 a
little buggy when trying this...)
Wimpslot upped by 32k - new additions pushed it over the edge of 192k.
into 224k territory :-(
Can now drag composed news/mail onto the TTFN icon on the icon bar
in order to post them. Non-text files display a message about
intended uuencoding.
0.21 : Used to allow you to press F & P while reading Email.* or Folders.*
or junk. Now fixed.
Can now use %n in the quoteline to signify a new line character
Fixed bug with including character 255 as last character of a
quoted message.
Now correctly processes the version of newsbase returned to TTFN
during initial contact between the two.
Inserts a "Distribution: world" line into every outgoing news
item. This may well become configurable in later versions.
Implemented "Hide Headers" option so that article headers are
not shown in the article display. Useful for people in
non-huge screen modes.
Now opens article display window at previous position rather than
centering it each time it's opened.
Can now use the Escape key to close the article display window.
Using space bar in article window now has following action
- if at bottom of current article - request next article.
- if not a bottom of current article - display is paged down.
Can now file articles in user defined folders (don't specify the
"Folder." prefix).
Fixed bug with not clearing down number of selected threads/articles
when opening a group.
Can now file selections of articles into folders.
0.22 : Fixed bug with group deletion & last radio button in NewsGroups
window getting muddled up.
Fixed crash on filing multiple articles to new folders.
Fixed semi-hang when double clicking right at bottom of NewsGroups
window - busy flag not cleared if click invalid.
Added Rot13 display routine. Press 'x' in article display window
to toggle.
Now updates the article window properly when changing the status
of the "Hide Header" flag.
Removed a beep on filing single article.
Now responds properly to NewsBase_Update #1 - Group deletion
0.23 : Writable icon on Folder list menu now only accepts alphanumerics and
full stops.
Extra checking on attempting to close setup window to stop a nasty
postmortem on closing article display while an article isn't loaded.
"Hide Headers" option now simply auto scrolls the article display
window down for each article as opposed to them not being
accessable at all.
Can now use %r in the Quoteline to signify insertion of the senders'
real-life name irrespective of being a followup or reply (as
opposed to %u which inserts "you" in personal replies).
Now tries harder to open a valid NewsRC file in an attempt to stop
the occasional "forgetting" of which articles have been read.
Tidied up the % variables thing in the quoteline quite a bit, both
%u and %r insert "you" when a real-life name isn't found.
**** First Release to ftp.demon.co.uk ****
0.24 : Writable icons for To:, Cc:, Bcc: and NewsGroups: now have a maximum
length of 200 to allow for multiple recipients.
Using ADJUST on the Address Book menu or the NewsGroup selection
menu now results in the appropriate text preceeded by a comma
and space being added to the appropriate writable icon.
Changing current user now leaves the NewsGroups list open, and updates
it accordingly.
Two new buttons in the setup window to allow easy editing of the
Address Book and Taglines files.
Used to generate article cancellations by using the currently open
newsgroup name - now correctly uses the Newsgroups: line of the
article to be cancelled.
Now gives user feedback on deleting/creating a user via the TTFN
message window.
If no Organization: is entered a blank Organization: line is no
longer generated for outgoing posts.
Can now use Pageup/Down, End, Home, Cursor up/down & Escape in the
article list and thread list windows.
Using "Escape" to exit a window causes the Input focus to "travel
back" to the previous window.
Using ADJUST on the "Followup" and "Reply" buttons in the article
window produces a reply/followup as before but the previous article
is not quoted.
Using ADJUST on the Next/Previous article buttons causes the opposite
behavior of using SELECT (i.e. next becomes previous).
Pressing 'Space Bar' while article list or thread list window has
the input focus will cause the first unread article to be displayed.
Asking for next article while threading and at the end of a thread
will now result in the next unread article in the next thread being
displayed. Accompanied by a beep to signify change of thread.
Extra line of pixels between each line in the article display, makes
it *much* more readable.
0.25 : Corrected calculations for new spaced display and the "End" button/
single line scroll up/down.
Upgrading TTFN will now preserve the Old Address book and
Configuration file if possible. (*if* I set the distribution
archive up properly!)
"Lock" button removed. Is now permanently a "Del" button, which is
shaded when deletion is inappropriate. Also removed the "UNLOCK"
option from the article window menu.
List of NewsGroups now takes note of the "lock" status of the group,
which is in turn determined by the "Client Deletion" option in
newsbase. NB Update for group creation also looks for this flag.
Now allows deletion from newsgroups if "Client Deletion" is on
(Harumph! I didn't want to implement this :-( ).
Cursor/Paging/Escape keys now also work in NewsGroup selection window,
so does Escape.
Input focus now travels back to newsgroup selection window when either
the thread or article list window are closed.
Added "Followup-To:" writable & menu icon to the new posting window.
Now trims excessively long "References:" lines to a reasonable length.
Extended Address-Book to allow 60 entries.
Added "Detect" button to timezone configuration - get's currently
configured timezone (from *configure timezone <int>).
Header generation for "Reply" now carries forward the "Cc:" line.
0.26 : Fixed bug in thread stats in title bar of main article window.
v0.25 introduced bug WRT not clearing of "deleted" flag for a
newsgroup. Now fixed.
Initiating a Reply/Followup now causes the email/posting dialogue
boxes to pop up, pre-filled with the relevant info. Clicking
with SELECT on OK causes quoting, using ADJUST gives no quoting.
Changed beep on thread change to flashing the colour of the subject
line in the readaction window.
Fixed bug whereby new group creation caused all articles in all
other groups to become unread.
Trailing spaces now stripped from address book entries upon loading.
Using 'L' in article window now toggles the lock status of the
current article.
A TTFN closdown operation will now also close the newemail/newpost
Added "Reply-To:" icon to new email / reply dialogue box.
Now clears status of "busy" flag if NewsBase closes down in the
middle of a group/article list operation.
Removed "Distribution: world" line from outgoing news postings.
**** Second Release to ftp.demon.co.uk ****
0.27 : Fixed bug in "Reply-To" menu - was referencing wrong icon number.
Fixed bug in %u, didn't pass correct value of "reply" to
ArtGen_QuoteArticle when doing followups.
To Delete an article using the mouse now requires user to press
both ADJUST and SELECT together over the "Delete" icon.
Adjust on Reply-To menu now adds a user to the text within the
reply-to icon as opposed to simply replacing it.
Put back "Distribution: world" line in outgoing postings after it
was made clear that "world" is acceptable while "World" is not.
Changed multiple boolean variables in the group_element structure
to one unsigned int capable of 32 independant flags.
If no real-life-name is specified for a user, it now doesn't
put "()" on the from: line. Spotted by garry@goldhill.demon.co.uk
Current user now displayed under icon on icon bar, in message window
as grouplist is fetched and in title bar of newsgroups window.
NewsGroups display now opens only showing first two columns of
numbers and pressing "R" will reveal the second two.
Added "Compose" menu to iconbar menu.
Icon now stays in same place when changing size to cope with new
text underneath it.
Now clears header information after decoding it to post an article.
Now deletes temporary work file after it has been loaded into an
Added "sec.setup" and "sec.users" so you can disable the use of
the setup or user-management sections within TTFN.
Fixed erronously generated subject lines in follow-ups. 0.26 used
the subject line of the article you were following up to regardless
of what you entered in the dialogue box.
0.28 : Pressing space bar in articles/thread windows when there are no
unread articles now results in the window being closed and the
input focus returned to the newsgroups window.
Can now specify startup user on command line, for example
'WimpTask <Internet$Dir>.!TTFN -user postmaster' would load TTFN
with the user "postmaster" active.
Sometimes wrong username communicated back to user when creating a
new user-id. Now fixed.
Fixed *lots* of bugs in follow-up/reply header generation if To:
or Newsgroups: writable icons were empty.
Replaced "drag to window" method of posting with OLE-like method.
Now skips leading spaces and/or TAB characters in all header lines.
Added confirmation box when posting outgoing news/mail.
Opening a newsgroup with ADJUST will now only list articles from
the first unread rather than all articles in that group.
Re-jigged reply/followup to code to allow putting back of pressing
<RETURN> in new posting/email window.
Article window was not getting redrawn when changing text foreground
and background colours. Now fixed.
0.29 : If Newsbase was started *after* TTFN, TTFN did not send the SetUser
message. Now fixed.
Restructured article generation code.
When attempting to post from a user who has posting disabled, it used
to try twice. Now fixed.
**** This version sort of "leaked" out to various people ****
0.30 : Now destroys the newsgroups selection menu properly upon receipt of
message number &400C9 (menu deleted).
Now closes the message window if NewsBase quits while it is open.
Now doesn't write out a blank NewsRC file if NewsBase closes down
while sending a list of newsgroups.
Added seperate attribution lines for news and personal mail.
Fixed displaying of bottom row of pixels of header in hi-res modes
with "Hide Headers" turned on.
Can now lock and unlock articles in Email.* and Folder.* groups by
using the padlock icon.
Much simplified and improved pane window handling courtesy of
Richard Sargeant. Now doesn't flicker anywhere near as much when
instant dragging is on.
Now allows each user to subscribe to a subset of the available groups.
Now updates the number of unread articles in the newsgroups display
when articles that have not been read are deleted either manually
or through expiry.
0.31 : Fixed small bug in setting of radio buttons when a new user is
chosen who *isn't* subscribed to the very first group.
Fixed bug whereby articles with no subject line aren't threaded
Was fixed a reference through NULL pointer in NewsGroups_Redrew.
Fixed stupid error message when saving an article out and dropping
it accidentally on a TTFN window/icon.
0.32 : Added Scroll Handler to article display window to overcome the
problem of a flickery pane window.
Now calls "Wimp_Initialise" with a WIMP version number of 310,
along with a list of the messages it requires.
Better file handle checking within Article Generation code.
Removed white space in To:, Cc:, Bcc: and Newsgroups: generation
from available menus.
**** Third Release to ftp.demon.co.uk ****
0.33 : Fixed problem with newsgroup selection menu in the new posting window
when you are unsubscribed to some groups.
**** Made available via mnhep1.hep.umn.edu. Not a general release ****
0.34 : New pane window handling code introduced in 0.30 caused the article
window to not get redrawn properly after changing the colours,
now fixed.
Choosing Compose->News from the article/thread list windows used to
insert the groupname into the "NewsGroups:" field irrespective of
whether the group was a valid newsgroup or not. Now fixed.
Now correctly uses the mail hostname for From: and Reply-To: lines
in outgoing news/mail.
Now writes local part of Path: as "host.domain!not-for-mail" *if* the
hostname and the mail hostname (as set in newsbase) are different,
otherwise outputs "host.domain!username".
Fixed bug in "fetch first article in thread" and deleting articles
from within a thread. (Malcolm Fraser).
Article window extent was not reset dynamically when changing text
display width from the setup window. Now fixed.
NewsBase_Update types 2 & 3 did not update groups database *if* the
group was not subscribed to by the current user. Now fixed.
Added distribution list expansion & "Edit Dist. Lists" icon to
setup window.
Stopped the user trying to edit more than one posting/email at a time.
Creation of a new newsgroup caused the NewsGroups window to jump
to full size, disregarding the groups that were *not* subscribed
to. Now fixed.
Now creates virtual icons within the NewsGroups window as opposed to
creating loads of actual icons by cloning an already existing icon.
Added check for divide by zero in hourglass percentage calculation in
ArtList_AddArticle. (Nick-Craid-Wood).
Added %d (Date:) to attribution line variables.
Moved "Del" button to far right of Readaction window.
Click on "Del" no longer requires both select and adjust to initiate
an article delete operation.
Changed setup window to be a scrolly-pane-type-thing, a la Impression.
Added code to uuencode non-text files dragged to the TTFN icon on the
Outging mail can now have the Reply-Receipt-To: line added by use
of a new option icon in the newemail dialogue box.
0.35 : Cannot now change status of threading buttons while fetching a list
of artcles.
List of newsgroups now only shown when a group with zero as the
first and last article number is served.
Added "Rescue" option to iconbar menu, for when the OLE stuffs-up!
Added support for future mail/news re-editing from the outbound
queues (newsbase message/reply #800).
Added delay before opening message window (off screen) and calling
WimpMsgs_DataOpen to start an OLE session to try and stop the
spurious "forgetting" of the OLE implementation.
Non-maximised, scrolled down newsgroups window didn't handle clicks
on the radio buttons properly. Now fixed.
Pressing space bar when the newsgroups window has the input focus
now opens the first group with unread articles.
Added uudecoding of single article files.
Modified uuexplode to generate RiscOS compatable filenames regardless
of what is specified on the "begin" line of a uuencoded binary.
TTFN now deletes the temporary work files when generating a reply
or followup.
It is now impossible to run more than one copy of TTFN.
Pressing 'D' in the article window now initiates a uudecode.
Formatted the user guide and this file to 77 columns so they will
display correctly if someone loads it into an editor in an 80
column mode.
Upped maximum number of users from 30 to 76.
0.36 : Now asks users whether or not they wish to be subscribed to newgroups
not previously seen by the current user, excepting Email.<username>*
groups where the owner is automatically subscribed and all other
users are automatically unsubscribed.
Now re-opens the grouplist window (if closed) when a new user is
Now doesn't prompt for subscription when a new group is created
during debatch and the groups window *isn't* open.
Now closes the new groups window whenever TTFN executes a closedown
(e.g. when changing user or when newsbase quits).
**** Fourth Release to ftp.demon.co.uk ****
0.37 : Stopped TTFN trying to delete non-existant submenus from the grouplist
and allgroups menus.
Posting confirmation window now grabs the input focus and pressing
"Return" in it causes the article to be sent!
Auto-subscription wasn't detecting the difference between users that
start with the same string of characters, i.e. "rob" and "rob2".
Now fixed.
0.38 : Better EOF checking on Taglines and Signature files, hopefully curing
the spurious ASC(255)'s generated now and again.
Added savebox to selection menu, ready for code to save out multiple
Removed Backspace key shotcut to article deletion. Now only the
"Delete" key has this function.
Now closes the message window if Newsbase can't send an article list
for some reason (i.e. indexing the requested group).
Changes Date&Time conversion to use UK territory no matter what the
configured territory.
Removed "Distribution: world" line addition in outgoing news articles.
"sec.setup" in messages file now disables adjust on iconbar icon.
Bug in auto-subscribe to own email groups (didn't work!), now fixed.
0.39 : Added code to save out multiple articles into single file from
selection menu in either article list or thread list windows.
Now beeps and refuses to start a drag operation if you try to save
data and the filename is empty in the savebox.
Setup options are now independant for each user. If a user does
*not* have a private setup file, the one inside !TTFN.Resources
is used.
Corrected Save-Box manipulation code, was leaving remnants of last
save operation in box.
Corrected header decoding problem whereby it would not read past a
a header line that started with either a space or a tab.
**** Fifth Release to ftp.demon.co.uk ****